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这是我早期使用的一套同步课本配套资料,内容简练,难度适中,分享在这里,以供查缺补漏。Starter Unit1〖单元必背〗1.Good morning. good /ɡʊd/ 好的 早上好。morning /ˈmɔ:rnɪŋ/ 早晨;上午 Good afternoon afternoon /ˌɑ:ftəˈnu:n/ 下午 下午好。

Good evening evening /ˈi:vnɪŋ/ 晚上;薄暮 晚上好。(指从日落到就寝的这段时间) Good night. night /naɪt/ 晚上 (指睡觉后晚安。

的这段时间,可指深夜)2. —How are you? how /haʊ/ 怎样;如何 你好吗? are /ɑ:r/ 是 you /ju:/ 你;你们 —I’m fine, thanks. I /aɪ/ 我 am /æm/ 是=I’m OK. I’m /aɪm/ = I’m 我很好,谢谢。OK /ˌəʊˈkeɪ/ 好;不错 —And you? 你呢? and /ænd;ənd/ 和;而且= And how are you? —I’m fine, too. too /tu:/ 也 我也很好。hi /haɪ/ 嗨 hello /həˈləụ/ 喂 〖知识要点〗Good morning / afternoon / evening / night. 答语相同。

Hi / Hello. 答语也相同 Starter Unit2〖单元必背〗1—What’s this in English? what /wɒt/ 什么 in /ɪn/ 用 用英语这是什么? English /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ 英语 —It’s a / an … What’s /wɒʦ/ = What is 是什么 —It’s a map. this /ðɪs/ 这个 that /ðæt/ 谁人 它是舆图。it /ɪt/ 它 is /ɪz/ 是 —It’s an orange. It’s /ɪʦ/ = It is 它是 它是橙子。

a /ə/ (辅音前)一个,只… —How do you spell it? an /æn; ən/(元音前) 一个,只… 你怎样拼写它? how /haʊ/ 怎样;如何 —M-A-P, map. do /du:/ 助动词 you /ju:/ 你;你们 spell /spel/ 拼写2 —How do you spell your name? your /jɔ:r/ 你的;你们的你怎样拼写你的名字? name /neɪm/ 名字 —G-A-O, Gao, H-U-I, Hui. 3 —What’s that in English? 增补单词:用英语那是什么? jacket /ˈʤækɪt/ 夹克衫 —It’s an orange. key /ki:/ 钥匙 它是橙子。pen /pen/ 钢笔 —Spell it, please. quilt /kwɪlt/ 被子请拼写它。

ruler /ˈru:lə/ 尺子 —O-R-A-N-G-E. please /pli:z/ 请 〖知识要点〗如何拼写名字。1)英尤物的姓名,名在前,姓在后,与中国人的姓名相反。

eg. Lucy King 露西·金 其中“露西”是名字,“金”是姓氏 2)中国人的姓名,姓在前,名在后。用拼音拼写,姓和名离开,都要大写开头。eg.①单姓单名: 吴钰 Wu Yu ②单姓双字名: 林洪文 Lin Hongwen ③复姓的名字: 欧阳 文 Ouyang Wen 东方 不败 Dongfang Bubai Starter Unit3〖单元必背〗1—What’s this? color /ˈkʌlə/ 颜色 这是什么? what color 什么颜色 —It’s “V”. red /red/ 红色(的) 它是“V”。

yellow /ˈjeləʊ/ 黄色(的) —What color is it? green /ɡri:n/ 绿色(的) 它是什么颜色? blue /blu:/ 蓝色(的) —It’s red. black /blæk/ 玄色(的) 它是红色的。white /waɪt/ 白色(的) —It’s black and white. orange /ˈɒrɪnʤ/ 橙色(的) 它是黑白相间的。

purple /ˈpɜ:pl/ 紫色(的)2. The pen is blue. brown /braʊn/ 棕色(的) 这支钢笔是蓝色的。the /ði:/ (特指某人、某物)这;The ruler is yellow. 这些;那;那些 这把尺子是黄色的。

〖知识要点〗对颜色提问用what color.eg. It is black.(对划线部门提问) What color is it?字母书写规则1.字母在四线三格中所占位置。①大写字母只占上面两格。

②小写字母在四线三格中所占位置。占上面两格: (7个)。占下面两格: (4个)占三格: (2个) 〖影象〗:气死儿 只占中格: (13+13=26)2.字母的连写。有些字母之间可以连写,有些则不能连写,其规则如下:1) 斜连写① a , c , d, e, h, i, k, l, m, n, t, u 的收笔上挑,正好与e, i, j, m, n, p, r, u, v, w, x, y的起笔相连,可以斜连写。

如:② a, c, d, e, h, i , k, l, m, n, t, u 的收笔与a, c, d, g, o, q, 和b, h, k, l, t 的起笔虽不衔接,但笔顺一致,也可以连写。连写的方法是把收笔上挑稍延长,移动笔尖至后面字母的起笔处书写,笔画经由上挑收笔处,就形成连写。如:③ 书写含有字母i或t的单词时,一般把单词一气写成后,再写i的点或t的横线,序次是从左向右。如:④s可能有两种写法: 和。

前一种写法不与前面的字母连写,后一种写法可与前面的字母连写。如:is,as。s的双写经常写成。2) 横连写① f,o,v,w可以与在第二线上起笔的字母连写,t也可以连写。

注意o,v,w与后面的字母连写时,须在收笔处加一个很短的横线与后面的字母相连。如:② f或t双写时以及f与t连写时,横线可以延长,一笔完成。一般来说,横线可以放在最后画。如:3) 不连写①大写字母之间不连写,也不与后面的小写字母连写。

如:TV,PRC,We,It,Li Lei。② b,g,j,p,q,r,s,x,y,z不与后面的字母连写。如:by , go , ja , pe , qu , ru , sk , yo , ze。Unit1〖单元必背〗1—What’s your name? 你的名字是什么? —My name is Jim Green. 我的名字是Jim Green.= —I’m Jim Green. 我是Jim Green.—What’s your last name? 你的姓是什么?—My last name is Green. 我的姓是Green.—What’s your first name? 你的名是什么?—My first name is Jim. 我的名是Jim.2—What’s her name ? 她的名字是什么? —Her name is… 她的名字是… —What’s his name? 他的名字是什么? —His name is… 他的名字是… —What’s its name? 它的名字是什么? —Its name is… 它的名字是…3—Hello! I’m Mary. 你好!我是玛丽。

—Hi, Mary. I’m Jim. 你好,玛丽!我是吉姆。4—What’s your telephone number? 你的电话号码是几多? —It’s… 它是… —What’s his QQ number? 他的QQ好是什么? —It’s 375373918. 它是375373918.5 Nice to meet you. 见到你很兴奋。

〖知识要点〗1. 形容词性物主代词:单数your你的my我的his他的her她的its它的复数your你们的our我们的their他们的训练、用适当的物主代词填空。①. —Bill, is this __________ bike? —Yes, it is.②. My sister is Jones. _________ bag is yellow.③. I’m 10 years old. ________ name is Paul.④. _______ name is Ann. Nice to meet you.⑤. —What’s your name? — _______ name is Grace.2. Hello ; Hi 你好。

用于打招呼或问候。对方也用Hello; Hi来作答。3. Nice to meet you. 见到你很兴奋。用于初次相识,对方回覆在该句后加too (也),即: Nice to meet you, too. 见到你也很兴奋。

练 习( )1. _____, Jim. I’m Mary.A. Sorry B. Hi C. Good D. Goodbye( )2. Lucy King _____ my name.A. am B. is C. are D. /( )3. I’m Amy. Nice ______ you.A. meet B. meet to C. to meet D. meeting( )4. —_____ is your name? —Francisco.A. What B. Who C. My D. Your( )5. Look, that is _____ photo(照片).A. she B. you C. I D. my4.如何拼写名字。(参见前面Starter Unit2) last name = family name 姓 first name 名训练:凭据卡片上的信息,完成下列句子。

FIRST NAME:Peter LAST NAME:Brown TELEPHONE NUMBER: 750-3826①. A boy is in the card. His ______ _______ is Peter②. Brown ______ his ________ name.③. —What’s _______ telephone _________? — _______ 750-3826.5. 连系动词be的用法,现在所学的be 动词有三个:am ; is ; are 〖影象口诀〗:一单am(I am…),二单are(You are…), 三单is(She / He / It is),复数are.注意人称:一人称:我(I), 我们(we) 二人称:你,你们(you) 三人称:只要不是“一、二”人称,均为三人称。注意单、复数:一个为单数,两个及以上为复数如:They(他们)_____ ; The students (学生们)______The student(谁人学生)_____ ; I ______ ; She(她)_____These(这些)____; That book(那本书)_____; You _____Your father(你的父亲)_____; Our desks(我们的课桌)_____This ____; My father and I(我和父亲)______; He(他)_____Those pens(那些钢笔)______; Your name _____6. 缩写。What is = What’s name is = name’s I am = I’m it is = it’s三、短语1. family name = last name 姓 2. first name 名字3. telephone number 电话号码 QQ number QQ号 bike number 自行车号码4. ID card 身份证训练题一、按要求完成下列各题。1.与u字母含有相同音素的字母(写出巨细写)。


5.与Ff一样以/e/音开头的字母另有5个,请按字母表顺序,写 出其巨细写二、单项选择。( )1.—What’s your bike ________?—It’s 24579.A. name B. color C. number D. family( )2. He is Harry Potter. His _____ name is Harry.A. first B. one C. last D. family( )3.—Hello!—_______!A. Thank you B. Hello C. Very good D.Good morning( )4. Linda is my friend. _____ father is Mr. Smith.A. My B. His C. Her D. Your( )5._____ your bike number?A. What B. What’s C. What are D. What has三、凭据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Nice to meet __________ (your).2. _______ (she) name’s Helen Green.3. Colin _______ (be) a good boy.4. Hello! I _______ (be) Gina.5. This is my father. _________ (he) name is John Smith四、用不定冠词a或an填空。

_____ “H” _____ “n” ____ “U” ____ “R” ____ “y”_____orange _____quilt ____orange _____ pen ____ apple五、补全对话。1.A: My _________ _______ Gao Hui. What is ________ _________? B: My name is Jim Green.2. A: ________ your phone number? B: ______ 33467950.3. Cindy Jones: Hello. My _________ Cindy. Jim Green: I’m Jim. _______ to meet you. Cindy Jones: What’s your last name? Jim Green: _________.六、选出有错的一项,并纠正。( )1.What your name ? A B C _____________( )2.Miss Yang is I teacher. A B C _____________( )3.I am Han mingming . A B C _____________( )4. His name is Linda. A B C D _____________( )5.What’s you phone number? A B C D ______________ Unit2 Is this your pencil?〖单元必背〗1 .A: Is this your pencil? 这是你的铅笔吗? B: Yes, it is. It’s my pencil. 是的,它是。它是我的铅笔。

A: Is that your backpack? 那是你的双肩背包吗? B: No, it isn’t. It’s his backpack?不,它不是。它是他的双肩背包。

A: Is this your ruler? 这是你的尺子吗? B: No, it isn’t. It’s her ruler. 不,它不是。它是她的尺子。2. Is this your watch? 这是你的手表吗? Call Alan at 495-3539. 请拨打495-3539找艾伦。

Is that your computer game in the lost and found case? 在失物招领箱里(那)是你的电子游戏吗?〖短语〗1.pencil case 铅笔盒;文具盒 2. in English 用英语3. lost and found 失物招领 4. a set of 一套;一副5. computer game 电子游戏 6. school ID card 学生证7. call sb at… 拨…给某人打电话〖知识要点〗1.变一般疑问句、否认句。1)变一般疑问句:①提前②答语。①将be(am, is, are)提前 (一、二人称的交换)。

②答语:首先用Yes / No, 然后通常情况哪个词开头,就哪个词作答。同时注意答语中用人称代词(You, I , She, He, It)。

肯定回覆中,be不能与主语缩写。否认回覆中am必须与I缩写,即:I’m.如: Yes, it’s (错),改成:Yes, it is. Yes, I’m(错),改成:Yes, I am. No, I am not,改成:No, I’m not.eg. (1) This is a pen. (改为一般疑问句)。Is this a pen? (2)That is my pencil.(先该为一般疑问句,再做否认回覆) Is that your pencil? No, it isn’t. (3)It’s a ruler (先改为一般疑问句,再做肯定回覆) Is it a ruler? Yes, it is (4)I’m Gina. (先改为一般疑问句,再做答) Are you Gina? Yes, I am. No, I’m not. (5)The girl is my friend(朋侪). (先改为一般疑问句,再做答) Is the girl your friend? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.2) 变否认句:在be(am, is , are)后加not.,常用缩写。

即:is not = isn’t /ɪznt/; are not = aren’t/ɑ:nt/. 但am not不缩写 eg.把下面的句子改为否认句。(1) This is a pen. This is not a pen. = This isn’t a pen. (2) It’s a ruler It’s not a ruler. = It isn’t a ruler.(3) I’m Gina. I’m not Gina. = I am not Gina.(4) You are a student. You are not a student. = You aren’t a student.2. How do you spell it? 你怎样拼写它?= Spell it, please. 请拼写它。4.指示代词:this , that. 当涉及近物(this)与远物(that)区别时,用this , that加以区别,回覆this , that的问句一般用it往返答。

eg.1) What is this ? It is a pen. 2) Is that a book? No , it isn’t . It is a box.5. 冠词:a , an , the (冠词冠名词) 1)不定冠词 a , an , 表泛指。a + 辅音 an + 元音① a pen 一只钢笔 ② an apple 一个苹果③ an hour 一小时 ④ a useful book一本有用的书⑤ There is _____ “L” in the word “look” 在“look”这个词中有一个 “L”. 2)定冠词 the , 表特指,意为“这个,谁人,这些,那些”。当上文提到的工具,下问再提到时,常在前面加the.eg. This is a pen. The pen is mine.这是一只钢笔,这只钢笔是我的注意:单数名词前通常要加冠词,但当名词前已有限定性的词修饰时(如,指示代词,物主代词等),不能在加冠词。

eg. ① This a book is in the bag. A B C D __________② Is this your an English book? A B C D __________6. 祈使句:表请求、建议等语气的句子叫做祈使句。这类句子以动词原形开头,其否认句在动词原形前加Don’t, 另外还可在句子前面或句末加上please.eg. ① Stand up! 站起来! ② Don’t stand up, please. 请不要站起来! ③ Please call me! 请给我打电话! ④ Look at the blackboard, please! 请看黑板! ⑤ Don’t talk! 别讲话!训练题一、选择填空。

( )1.This is _______ eraser.A. a B. an C. the D. /( )2. “______, is this you English book?” “Yes, it is. Thank you.”A. Sorry B. Excuse C. Excuse me. D. Hi( )3.—Are you Lucy King? — No, _____.A. I’m B. I am C. I’m not D. I am not( )4.—Is that your gold ring? —________.A. That isn’t B. It isn’t C. Yes, that is D. No, it isn’t ( )5.I’m Steve. You can _____ 352-6035.A. call B. spell C. say D. write( )6.—Is this your baseball? —Yes, _____.A. sorry B. thank you C. good D. I’m sorry( )7.This ______ my key. It’s his key.A. is B. isn’t C. not D. no( )8.—_______ do you spell eraser? —E-R-A-S-E-R.A. What B. What’s C. How D. Who( )9.—What’s your name? —_________.A. My name’s Alan B. Alan is C. A-L-A-N D. Ye, I am二、凭据首字母填空。1.My f________ name is Jack.2.What’s your p____________ number?3.How do you s____________ pen?4.This is Mary. H______ bike number is 03582.5.Please c________ Tom at 495-3539.6.S_________, David. Is this your watch?7.That isn’t my computer g_____________.三、用a或an填空。1.____ pencil 2.____ ruler 3.____ eraser. 4.____English book.四、按要求完成下列个题。

1.This is my ring. (改为一般疑问句) __________________________________________2. Is that your notebook? (做否认回覆) __________________________________________3. She is English. (改为否认句) __________________________________________4.M-A-R-Y.(写出问句) __________________________________________5. 495-2569, John, at , call (连词成句) __________________________________________6. How do you spell it? (改为祈使句) __________________________________________7. Please call Tim. His telephone number is 659-7386.(合并为一句) Please _______ Tim ______ 659-7386.8. Please call me. (改为否认句) Please _______ _______me.五、凭据汉语完成句子。1.这是你的身份证吗? ______ ________ your ID _________?2.Ring怎么拼写? _________ ________ you __________ ring?3.我的姓不是Black. My ________ __________ _________ Black.4.他的电话号码是863-4589。_______ ___________ ________ is 863-4589.5.那是她的卷笔刀吗? _______ ______ ________ pencil sharpener? Unit 3 This is my sister〖单元必背〗1. This is my friend. 这是我的朋侪。

These are my friends. 这些是我的朋侪。That is my brother. 那是我的哥哥。Those are my brothers. 那些是我的哥哥。

2. Is he your friend? 他是你的朋侪吗? Yes, he is 是的,他是. No, he isn’t 不,他不是。Is she your sister? 她是你的妹妹吗? Yes, she is. 是的,她是. No, she isn’t. 不, 她不是. Is the boy your brother? 谁人男孩是你的哥哥吗? Yes, he is. 是的,他是。

No, he isn’t. 不,他不是。Are they your parents? 他们是你的怙恃亲吗? Yes, they are. 是的,他们是。No, they are’t. 不,他们不是。Are the boys your friends? 那些男孩是你的朋侪吗? Yes, they are. 是的,他们是。

No, they aren’t.不,他们不是。3. Thanks for the photo of your family. 谢谢你的全家照。4. Here is a book. 这儿有一本书。Here are some pens 这儿有些钢笔。

5. 课本p85, Unit3, Section A, 2a, ab对话内容。三、短语。1. thanks for = thank you for 因…而谢谢 2. family tree 家谱3. a photo of 一张…的照片 a photo of my family 一张我的全家福 = my family photo 〖知识要点〗eg. ①___________. Is this your pen?请问,这是你的钢笔吗? ②___________. I broke your pen. 对不起,我弄坏了你的钢笔.2.指示代词:单数复数this(这;这个)these(这些)that(那;谁人)those(那些)凭据句意,用this , these填空。

1. ______ is my uncle, John.2. ________ are Lucy and Lily.3. Are _______ your grandparents?4.Is ________ his sister?5.________ are her friends.3.人称代词:主格和宾格单数主格youIhesheit宾格youmehimherit 你我他她它复数主格youwethey宾格youusthem 你们我们他/她/它们主格作主语,常在句子开头。宾格作宾语,放在动词和介词之后。eg.①_____ gives _____ this book.A. Him, I B. He , me C. He, I D. Him, me②Mr. Yu teaches our math . A B C D ___________③我们谢谢他们,他们也谢谢我们。_____ thank ______. ______ thank _____, too.4.名词的复数: 名词后加-s或-es组成复数 详细变化规则如下:1)s; sh; ch; x 末端加es 读 [iz] 2) ce; se; ze; (d)ge 末端加seg. boxes [ˈbɒksiz] blouses [ˈblaʊziz] 3)f (fe) 末端则变f(fe)为v加es---读[vz] eg. knives [naɪvz] 4) “辅+y”末端变y为i加es 清就清[s] 5)一般加s 浊就浊[z] eg. books[bʊks] pens[penz] babies[ˈbeɪbɪz]5. “Is this Jim?” “No, it isn’t. It’s Dave.这是吉姆吗?不,它不是。


类似用法另有:指敲门者、图画中的人等。eg. Look at the picture. It’s me. 看这照片,它是我。6. 名词所有格:在英语中表现“某人的”要使用名词所有格,即:在名词后加“’s”,如:张三的书:Zhang San’s book. 我父亲的哥哥:my father’s brother.7. 单数句变复数句方法: ①将单数句中的名词和代词酿成相应的复数。

②将单数句中的谓语动词酿成相应形式。eg.1)This is an English book.这是一本英语书 These are English books.这些是英语书。2) He is a good student. 他是一位勤学生。

They are good students. 他们是勤学生。3)Are those apples? 那些是苹果吗? Is that an apple? 那是一个苹果吗?8. 书信花样:Dear ××: ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× Yours , ××× 小训练一、写出下列各词的复数1.book______ 2.bus ______ 3.orange _______4.me _____5.baby______ 6.boy______ 7.my ________ 8. that ______9.his_______ 10.knife______ 11.watch_______12.she______13.this_______14. I ______ 15 him _______16. brush______二、把下列单数句酿成复数句,或把复数句酿成单数句。1.He is my teacher.______________________________2.What is this ?______________________________3.Are these English books?______________________________4. This is my clock. ______________________________训练三一、选择填空。

( )1.—Are you her uncle? —______.A. I’m not B. Yes, I am not C. No, I am D. I’m not( )2.—Is he your father? —_______.A. no, he is B. Yes, he’s C. No, he not D. Ye, he is( )3.My aunt is her mother, she is my ______.A. sister B. cousin C. brother D. son( )4.My grandparents ______ teachers.A. am B. is C. are D. /( )5.Mr. Black has two ______, Lucy and Lily.A. daughter B. daughters C. son D. sons( )6.Thanks ______ your English book.A. at B. in C. on D. for( )7.______ are his two sisters.A. She B. He C. This D. These( )8.This is my _____ . She’s 9.A. brother B. sister C. father D. mother.( )9.The boy and the girl _____ my _____ .A. is ; friend B. is ; friends C. are ; friend D. are ; friends二、选出有错的一项,并纠正。( )1.These are his English book..A B C D ___________( )2. I know he name is Paul.A B C D ___________( )3.These are my good friend , Jim. A B C D ___________三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.This is __________ (I) friend.2.Is that _________ (she) brother?3.That’s _________ (he) sister.4.I love _________ (they) very much.5.My father and mother are my __________ (parent).6.My ____________ (friend) are at home today.四、句型转换,按要求完成下列各题。

1. He is my uncle. (先改为一般疑问句,再做否认回覆) ____ ____ ________ uncle? _____, he ______.2. This is my father and this is my mother. (改为同义句) _______ ______ my _______.3. Is this your uncle? (做否认回覆) _____, ______ _________.五、按要求写出下列各词。1. he(物主代词)______ 2. she(宾格) _____ 3. aunt(对应词)______4. picture(同义词)________5.them(主格)______6.that(复数)_____ Unit 4 Where’s my backpack?〖单元必背〗1. 课本p20最下方Grammar Focus中的内容。2. 课本p23上方的书信内容。

3. 熟读课本p85, Unit4的听力质料。4. I don’t know. 我不知道。5. Please take these things to your sister.请把这些工具给你的妹妹带去。

6. Can you bring some things to school ? 你能带些工具到学校来吗?〖短语〗1.video tape 录象带 2. alarm clock 闹钟3. next to 在…的旁边4. take … to 把…带到…去 bring … to 把…带到…来5. How about …怎么样,好欠好 6. after school 放学后7. 所在短语:见〖知识要点〗的2 8. Here is / are 这儿有/是…〖知识要点〗1..变特殊疑问句——①找②加 ①找:找准相应的疑问词取代划线部门 ②加:疑问词 + 一般疑问句结构但注意:如果划线部门在句子开头(即是主语),则稳定顺序,只需将疑问词取代画线部门即可。1)what 什么①what 什么(问物)This is a book. __________________________ ②what 什么(问名字) My name is Tom. __________________________ Her name is Anna __________________________ His father’s name is Jim. __________________________③what color 什么颜色(问颜色) The jacket is blue. ___________________________2)where : 哪儿,那里(问所在)。

My book is on the desk. __________________________3) how: 怎样;如何(询问身体康健情况)。I’m fine. __________________________ My father is fine __________________________ Jim’s mother is fine. __________________________2. 表所在的短语(对这些短语提问用where) in 在…里 on 在…之上 under 在…之下 behind 在…之后 next to 在…旁边 in the room 在房间里 on the desk 在黑板上under the chair 在椅子下 behind the door 在门后in his car 在他的车里next to his brother在他哥哥的旁边on Li Ping’s desk 在李平的课桌上训练一(翻译短语)①under the sofa _____________②on the bookcase _____________③在我的床边 __________________④在树后 __________________⑤in Jack’s room ___________________3. take … to 把…带到…去(常与here连用)bring … to 把…带到…来(常与there连用)eg. Please ______ your homework here tomorrow.4. I know 我知道。I don’t know 我不知道。

训练二一、凭据图中球和箱子的位置,用适当的介词填空。1. The ball is _____ the box2. The ball is _____ the box 3. The ball is _____ the box4. The ball is _____ the box 5. The ball is _____ the box二、选择填空。( )1.This is ____ alarm clock.A. a B. an C. the D. /( )2.I can see a soccer ball _____ the floorA. in B. under C. behind D. on( )3.My bookcase is next _____ the bed.A. to B. on C. in D. under( )4.—Are these bags? —Yes, ______ are.A. this B. these C. it D. they( )5.—Where’s Tom? —Sorry, I _______.A. know B. am know C. don’t know D. am not know( )6.The clock is _____ the wall of the classroom(课堂).A. on B. in C. to D. under三、句型转换。

1. Your shoes are on the sofa. (对划线部门提问)____________________________________________2. His books are on the desk.(变一般疑问句,并作否认回覆)____________________________________________3.That is a picture of his family. (对划线部门提问)____________________________________________4.Are those your cars? (改为单数句)___________________________________________四、凭据汉语完成句子。1. —他的书在哪儿? —在课桌下。________ his book? ______ _____ the desk.2.请把这些数学书拿到教书去。

Please _______ these math ________ ______ the classroom.3.让我看看你的全家照。Let me look at the _______ _______ ______ __________.4.他的身份证在桌子下面。His ID card _____ _________ the table.Units1-4重要知识温习一、代词。1.人称代词(主格和宾格)。

主格:you I he she it we they 宾格:you me him her it us them2.物主代词: your my his her its our their3.指示代词: this that these those二、 连系动词be的用法,现在所学的be 动词有三个:am ; is ; are 〖影象口诀〗:一单am(I am…),二单are(You are…), 三单is(She / He / It is),复数are.如何判断人称:一人称:我(I), 我们(we) 二人称:你,你们(you) 三人称:只要不是“一、二”人称,均为三人称。注意单、复数:一个为单数,两个及以上为复数如:用am, is , are填空They_____ ; The boys ______; Her name_______The girl_____ ;I ______ ; She_____; These____; That book_____; You _____Your father_____; Our desks_____; My books______; This ____; My father and I_____; He____; Those pens_____; Your name ____三、变一般疑问句和否认句。1.变一般疑问句:①提前②答语。

①将be(am, is, are)提前 (一、二人称的交换)。②答语:1)Yes / No开头。2)答语中用人称代词。3)肯定回覆中,be不能与主语缩写。

4)否认回覆中am必须与I缩写,即:I’m.如: Yes, it’s (错),改成:Yes, it is. Yes, I’m(错),改成:Yes, I am. No, I am not,改成:No, I’m not.2.变否认句:在be(am, is , are)后加not.,常用缩写。即:is not = isn’t /ɪznt/; are not = aren’t/ɑ:nt/. 但am not不缩写四、名词的复数: 名词后加-s或-es组成复数 详细变化规则如下:1)s; sh; ch; x 末端加es 3)f (fe) 末端则变f(fe)为v,再加es 4) “辅+y”末端变y为i加es 5)一般加s 五、名词所有格:名词’s。eg. Zhang San’s book 张三的书 Tom’s pen 汤姆的钢笔六、冠词用法。

a+辅音;an+元音;the表特指(指上文提到过的工具)七、表所在的短语(对这些短语提问用where) in / on / under / behind / next to+(the, 物主代词,所有格)+名词八、单数句与复数句的相互转化。(注意句式不能改变)①将单数句中的名词和代词酿成相应的复数。②将单数句中的谓语动词酿成相应形式。九、特殊疑问句(对划线部门提问)。

结构:疑问词+一般疑问句1.what什么(问物,问名字) what color 什么颜色(问颜色)2.how怎样(问身体状况) 3.where那里(问所在) Unit5 Do you have soccer ball?〖单元必背〗1. I have a pen. 我有钢笔。I don’t have a pen. 我没有钢笔。

She has a pen. 她有钢笔 She doesn’t have a pen. 她没有钢笔。My friend has a pen. 我的朋侪有钢笔。My friend doesn't have a pen. 我的朋侪没有钢笔。

2. ①Do you have a pen? 你有…吗? Yes, I do是的,我有。No, I don’t 不,我没有。②Does she have a pen? 她有钢笔吗? Yes, she does. 是的,他/ 她有 No, he / she doesn’t 不,他/ 她没有 ③Does Tom have a pen? Tom有钢笔吗? Yes, he does. 是的,他有。No, he doesn’t.不,他没有。

3.That sounds good. 那听起来不错。4. Let’s go and find him. 咱们去找他吧。5. 熟读P29—3a的内容。

〖短语〗1.tennis racket 网球拍 2. soccer ball 英式足球3. let’s = let us 咱们;让我们 4.watch TV 看电视5. play sports 做运动 6. play football 踢足球7. play basketball 打篮球 8.every day 天天9. every year 每年 10. every week 每周11. every morning/ afternoon/ evening 天天早晨/下午/晚上12. a great sports collection 大量(许多)体育收藏品 〖知识要点〗1.have与has: “有”(当主语是三人称单数时用has) don’t have :没有 doesn’t have :没有 I have a book. 我有一本书。I don’t have a book. 我没有书。He has a book. 他有一本书。He doesn’t have a book. 他没有书。

They have a book.他们有一本书.They don’t have a book.他们没有书。2.sound 听起来(连系动词) 连系动词后接形容词作表语。

eg. The music sound ______________.A. well B. beautiful C. beautiful.3.but 可是。用于句中表现转折。eg. Our house is very old, _____ it’s quite clean.A. and B. so C. or D. but4.表“球类运动”的名词前不用冠词。eg. Tom has _____ football. He often plays _____ football.A. a ; a B. a ; the C. the ; / D. a ; /5. Let sb + 动词原形:让某人做…Let’s + 动词原形:让咱们做…eg. Let’s _____ football.A. to play B. plays C. play D. playing 〖语法〗: 一般现在时(The Simple Present Tense)一般现在时表现经常的、习惯性的行动和存在的状态。

1.组成:1)动原 2)动三单eg.①The boy reads English every morning.这个男孩天天早晨读英语。②They often play football. 他们经常踢足球。③I have a pen.我有一只钢笔。

④She has a book.他有一本书。2.一般疑问句:借助do/ does放在句首,后接动词原形。eg. ①He does his homework every day. ____ he _____ his homework every day? Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t ②We watch TV every night. _____ ____ watch TV every night? Yes, we do / No, we don’t . ③She has an English book. _____ _______ _______ an English book? Yes, she does / No, she doesn’t.3.否认句:借助do/ does的否认,然后加动词原形,即:don’t /doesn’t + 动原。

eg.①She does her homework every day. She _____ ____ her homework every day. ②We watch TV every night. We _____ _____ watch TV every night. ③She has an English book. She _______ ______ an English book.4.对一般现在时的行动提问用What do / does…do? eg. ①She usually watches TV on weekends. _____ ____ she usually ____ on weekends? ②I read English every morning. What _____ _____ ______ every morning?5.时间状语(标志词): /ˈɒfn/ /ˈju:ʒʊəlɪ/ /ˈsʌmtaɪmz/ /ˈɔ:lweɪz/①often ; usually ; sometimes; always 经常 通常 有时 总是② every 短语 every day 天天 every week 每周 every morning 天天早晨③ on + 星期词的复数 on Sundays 每个星期天 on Saturdays 每个星期六附:动词三人称单数的变法 ①以“s, sh , ch , x,o”末端的词加es ②以“辅+y”末端,变y为i加es ③直接加s但注意:be—is ; have — has一般现在时训练题一、写出下列动词的三人称单数形式。play _____have _____cry_____ watch ________ rush ______go _____ wash _____ be _____ like ______try _____ open _____二、按要求完成下列各题。1.She goes to school on foot.(否认句) She _____ _____ to school on foot.2.I like English (先变一般疑问句,后作否认回覆) ____ _____ like English? No, ____ _____.3.He has lunch at 12:00 (一般疑问句) ____ _____ lunch at 12:00?4.She usually watches TV on weekends.(对画线部门提问) _____ ____she usually ____on weekends? 单元训练一、选择填空。

( )—Do they have a sofa? —Yes, _______.A. they do B. they are C. they don’t D. they aren’t ( )2.—Can Mary play _____ baseball? —No, she can’t.A. a B. an C. the D. /( )3.Let’s _____ at the pictures.A. looks B. look C. looking D. to look( )4.—Do you have a green backpack?—______. I have a red one.A. Yes, I do B. Yes, I don’t C. No, I do D. No, I don’t ( )5.—Let’s play basketball.—That _______ very good.A. sounds B. sound C. likes D. like( )6.The room is small, _____ it is good.A. but B. too C. and D. well( )7.Tom has an uncle, but he _____ an aunt.A. has B. have C. doesn’t has D. doesn’t have( )8.Many ______ are on the table.A. pens B. pencil C. book D. pencil case( )9._____ your father _____ a brother?A. Is , have B. Is , has C. Does, have D. Does, has( )10.—Let’s play basketball.—No, _______.A. it’s boring B. it’s interesting C. it’s good D. it’s fun二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.He __________ (play) football every afternoon.2.Let’s ___________ (watch) TV.3.The boy _____________ (not have) a brother.4.They ______ (do) homework every night.5.He ____________(not read) English every morning.6.She ___________(not do) her homework(家庭作业)every evening.三、按要求完成各题。1.He has an interesting book.(改为一般疑问句)______ he ________ an interesting book?2. The boys are good students.(先改为一般疑问句,再作否认回覆) ______ _______ good students. ____, _____ ______.3. I have an alarm clock.(改为否认句) I ________ ________ an alarm clock.4.He likes sports.(就划线部门提问) ________ ________ he like?5.Do you and your sister play baseball?(否认回覆) No, ________ _________.6. He watches TV every day.(改为否认句). He ________ _______ TV every day.内容计划:待满足“圈子功效与专栏功效”时,图说英语原创图文与短视频陆续对外开放。


